The Gift of Water
Water is Life
Energy Extraction, Climate Change, and Common Loon Restoration
Friday, March 13th
1:00 to 2:30 pm
Jamrich Hall 1320
With Nancy Langston, PhD
Distinguished Professor of Environmental History
at Michigan Technological University
Nancy Langston is the author of 4 books, 52 peer-reviewed articles, and dozens of popular essays. She is currently the Fulbright Research Chair in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Solutions at Lakehead University in Canada. Her upcoming book, Climate Ghosts, studies migratory species in the upper Great Lakes region.
Sponsored by:
- NMU Department of Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences
- The Interfaith Northern Great Lakes Water Stewards
The NMU Chapter of the Interfaith Water Stewards is open to all interested students and includes representatives of the Episcopal, Lutheran (ELCA), Roman Catholic, United Methodist, Jewish, and Buddhist faith traditions.